Month: August 2012

  • There are some things..

    There are some things in this world,
    One cannot count on,
    But, One can hope for.

    I am not surprised,
    by what God can do with any situation and/or circumstance,
    I am simply amazed and in awe.
    In awe of His love,
    His goodness,
    His question and/or response,
    For they keep me saying WOW and AWESOME.

    We find what is lost,
    When we open our minds and hearts,
    And let God in.
    Surrender and obedience do not come naturally.
    When accomplished they are as natural as breathing.

    What we think are mysteries and/or puzzles,
    Are merely Divine plans,
    Beautifully created and laid out.
    Most Absolutely, Definitively, executed.

    Brutal anguish and grief,
    Need not be the end of us...
    Healing is always a choice.
    Living, and when I say living,
    I mean feeling, loving, moving forward, growing.
    Living is Always an option.


    Today, I watched the movie, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I have never heard the phrase about “his boots” before. I tried googling it. All I came up with was the author of the book. Maybe, it was his invented line. I do not know for certain, but I loved it.

    I have moved on in my life. I am, a phrase I've read before, "better not bitter." My earthly father, obviously still has deep issues with me. When last I saw him,( because of my grandmother’s stroke 3 weeks ago) I was invisible to him.

    “His boots are heavier, than mine are.”

    I feel sadness for him. I hope that one day his boots will be much lighter.

    helmschick --out