Month: June 2012

  • From my heart, or off my chest

    Ever feel like your life is a tornado of Somethings? (been watching to much Stormchasers)

    Something something SomEthIng
         SOMETHING something SOMETHING
        And another something and another
          Something something SomEthIng
         SOMETHING something SOMETHING
                   And another something and another
                Somethingsomething SomEthIng
                        And another something and
                            something SomEthIng
                                  something something
                                                         something              (well you get the picture)


    I mean just a month, a week, a day.. where you just want to walk outside and calmly say or yell " hey time out please."
    Even just now trying to write/ vent this out. Two somethings no three. Right in my way. I had to ask my daughter sweetly and then to be dramatic in my Gollum voice, Please I needs it, I needs to write, Its my PRECIOUS. (We've been reading the Hobbit)( she says I do a good job with the voices)

    Oh well I feel this way today. Lucky that feelings are fleeting. I feel calmer now. Just a bit irked. Irked at getting the hives. Not knowing what is causing the hives. Can't afford to find out yet what is causing the hives. Medicine side effect irritability. I should be grateful I even have some meds for it. Not that they really worked this time around. I have a few or twenty other things on my mind at the moment as well that are giving me grief. It is alright. Perseverance. Prayer. A nice soothing bath in baking soda. Maybe a cheeseburger too. My cheeseburger intake has been low since I started working out. Speaking of working out, err writing that out, did that today. Should be thankful because I might have been a snarling beast had I not.

    I hate it when i wrestle, wrestle, wrestle, with things I cannot do anything about. Do what I can when I can. Deal with it. /cough ... isn't your blog called how to deal? oh ya I should also add that I should stop wrestling and trust God with it all, too. blush

    Thanks for letting me vent.

    Peace, love, and Jesus,

    helmschick --out


  • Fitting In...

    I have been a bit quiet around here. It seems I haven't had as much to say. I don't so much mind it. When I'm quiet I can take stock of my thoughts and observe what is going on. Sometimes it becomes the perfect opportunity for writing. The quiet is preparing me. happy

    I have kept with my workout. I have fit into a pair of pants that I haven't worn in three years. It is very exciting and encouraging. My goal is to fit into two other pairs I have. My bke's i can get on but still far from buttoning. My grey capris, I can get on and button. They will look better though when they aren't as tight. Can't wait, but I'm not in a hurry. Slow and steady baby, YA! My pants also inspired a poem.

    My Pants...

    These ones fit.

    And these I am working on...

    and here is my poem...


    Fitting in
    Fitting in with friends
    Fitting in with family
    Fitting in with the crowd
    Trying to fit in,
    Is it giving you doubts?

    Doubts about right and wrong
    Doubts about hanging around
    Or why you are trying so hard to fit in
    Because maybe it’s wearing you thin.

    Thin on patience
    Thin on ice
    All this fit,
    IS IT,
    worth the price?

    Fitting into jeans
    Getting fit
    Throwing a fit
    Your mind is it fit?

    You fit in where you are accepted
    Accepted for you
    Loved because you are you
    Be true
    To who you are inside

    Don’t hide it
    Exercise it
    Surround yourself with positive encouraging people
    And be who God made you to be.
    Live free

    Peace, love, & Jesus,

    helmschick --out


  • Grumpy Monday

    Sometimes it is hard to be a woman. It stinks that mother nature turns you into Oscar the grouch for three to five days a month. Also this time around I have been mad-crazy hungry. I think I need some dark chocolate, too.

    Today was definitely a Monday. I made it to the gym, which is good. But, I didn't leave my grumps behind. Maybe I should have stayed longer. I should have gone to the grocery store and bought some cookie dough. I watched Tv with the kids and took a nap. Nap might have helped a little. Even though I got plenty of sleep last night. Some days I feel older than I look.

    Mmmm a big healthy salad with lots of veggies sounds really good. However I'm not motivated enough to go to the store at this hour for it. Tomorrow.

    I suppose this evening is already getting better. I did some reading. I chugged some water and I planned whats for dinner. Now for cooking.

    Tomorrow I will eat greens. Tomorrow I will be less grumpy. Tomorrow I will buy cookie dough.

    helmschick --out