June 4, 2012

  • Grumpy Monday

    Sometimes it is hard to be a woman. It stinks that mother nature turns you into Oscar the grouch for three to five days a month. Also this time around I have been mad-crazy hungry. I think I need some dark chocolate, too.

    Today was definitely a Monday. I made it to the gym, which is good. But, I didn't leave my grumps behind. Maybe I should have stayed longer. I should have gone to the grocery store and bought some cookie dough. I watched Tv with the kids and took a nap. Nap might have helped a little. Even though I got plenty of sleep last night. Some days I feel older than I look.

    Mmmm a big healthy salad with lots of veggies sounds really good. However I'm not motivated enough to go to the store at this hour for it. Tomorrow.

    I suppose this evening is already getting better. I did some reading. I chugged some water and I planned whats for dinner. Now for cooking.

    Tomorrow I will eat greens. Tomorrow I will be less grumpy. Tomorrow I will buy cookie dough.

    helmschick --out